Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cankles and Squirrels

Here's a snippet of some newly married conversation

Me: Erik, do you know what cankles are?

Erik: Isn't it ankles that look like cans?

Me: uncontrollable laughter


Me: Do my feet look like dinosaur claws?

Erik: No! Do you even know what dinosaur claws look like?

Me: No, but I was just wondering.

If you can't ask your husband if your feet look like dinosaur claws, then I just don't know!


I used to hate squirrels. I thought of them as rats but with fluffy tails and also modern day carriers of the plague! They're actually not that bad. It's really fun watching them run around whilst you sit in the park.

Also, squirrels are coming up in the world. Take a look here:

Yes! It's a business squirrel. They exist and are actually taking over the business world. Or so I assume from this picture. If I was making shady business deals, I would prefer making it with a squirrel. Very soon they'll be just like us. I hear they've already started discriminating against female squirrels both in business and private settings. It's reported that female squirrels who occupy the same positions as male squirrels earn less nuts. Way to go squirrels! I knew you could do it!

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